Kelvin W. Willoughby

What Can Be Patented?

Confronting the Confusion in Patent Law
About Patent Eligible Subject Matter

(Saarbrücken, Germany: Scholars’ Press, 2014)     ISBN: 978-3-639-70068-8

Patents play a critical role in business, society and technological innovation in the contemporary knowledge economy. The question of what types of inventions may be patented, however, has become highly contentious in patent offices, law courts, legislatures, scientific organizations, international trade forums and various business or social advocacy groups around the world. Under what conditions—if any—may computer software, DNA-based products, new business techniques, medical diagnostic methods, or systems operating over the Internet, for example, be patented? Conflict and confusion in the law surrounding these questions has created destructive uncertainty amongst technologists, entrepreneurs, investors, medical practitioners, community groups and policy makers. This book tackles the problem through a comparative study of statutory law and case law in the United States and Europe, as well as international law, concerned with what subject matter is patent eligible. In particular the book explores whether only technical inventions should be eligible for patent protection and, if so, whether those inventions must be physical in order to qualify as “technology” in patent law.

What Can Be Patented?

Confronting the Confusion in Patent Law About Patent Eligible Subject Matter

Kelvin W. Willoughby

Technology Choice

(London: Routledge, 2019)

ISBN 9780367289690 (Hardback)

ISBN 9780429308444 (eBook)

350 pages

The book may be purchased in either Hardback or eBook format from the publisher, Routledge.

Click here to visit the Routledge website to obtain a copy of the book.

This book provides a theoretical framework for answering difficult questions evoked by the concept of technology choice primarily by conducting a review of the Appropriate Technology movement and its ideas and experiments.

Kelvin W. Willoughby

Technology and the

Competititve Advantage of Regions

IURD Monograph No. 44 (Berkeley: University of California, 1993). © Prof. Kelvin W. Willoughby.

Click the link or the icon

to download a digital copy

of this book (PDF file, 2.1 MB):

Technology and the Competittive Advantage of Regions

Kelvin W. Willoughby & Jeremy Moon

An Evaluation of Local Enterprise

Initiatives: The Case of Esperance

(Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1989).

Click here to obtain access

to a copy of this book:

An Evaluation of Local Enterprise Initiatives

Kelvin W. Willoughby

Technology for Employment Creation

Second Edition (Fremantle & Sydney : APACE Publications, 1985). © Prof. Kelvin W. Willoughby.

Click here to obtain a copy of this book:

Technology for Employment Creation

Zhouying Jin (author)

Kelvin W. Willoughby (editor & co-translator)

Ying Bai (co-translator)

Global Technological Change

From Hard Technology to Soft Technology

Second Edition (Bristol, UK; Portland, Oregon, USA: Intellect Books, 2010).

Purchase price:  £24.95, US$50

Click here to obtain a copy of this book from the publisher:

Global Technological Change

Kelvin W. Willoughby

Minnesota's Competitive Position in the BioBusiness Technology Industries.

(St. Louis Park, MN: BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota, 2011)
